How we work
As a clinical network, we are part of the GM Critical Care & Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network (ODN). The ODN is funded by commissioners of specialised services at NHS England and NHS Improvement. The ODN is hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
The ODN has a management team comprising (speciality) Medical Leads, Network Manager, Network Lead Nurse, Quality Improvement Lead and Network Administrator. Within the Trauma Network we also have consultant leads for rehabilitation, clinical governance, surgery and frailty.
Network business is managed through the following groups:
Operational Delivery Network Board: This is a quarterly, joint Critical Care and Major Trauma Board. It is responsible for system leadership and strategic direction. It includes provider and commissioner membership and holds the individual healthcare providers to account for their critical care and trauma services.
Clinical Effectiveness Committee (CEC): Meets quarterly and aims to bring together wider Network representation including each individual MTC, TU and LEH. It also has multidisciplinary representation including nurses, pre-hospital staff, advanced practitioners, allied health professionals (AHPs), and all trauma related specialties (e.g. emergency medicine, neurosurgery, general surgery, orthopaedics, critical care, radiology etc.).
The CEC looks at the following aspects of service provision:
- Development and implementation of guidelines and clinical pathways
- Data review (Trusts are asked to present their data dashboards and clinical reports on a rolling basis, including reporting against key performance indicators)
- Audit and risks
- Death and disability
- Training, education and research
Clinical Governance Group: A bi-annual sub-group of the Network Clinical Effectiveness Committee, the purpose of this group is to discuss and review clinical incidents and clinical pathways. It aims to identify common themes, areas of good practice and areas of practice where improvements can be made in the pathway of care. Membership of the group includes the Network management team, North West Ambulance Service, the Trauma Leads from the MTCC and representatives from TUs and LEHs.
Members of this group also undertake death and disability reviews; these are peer led meetings held on a rolling basis with individual trusts. These meetings focus on unexpected survivors and deaths.
Network Rehabilitation Development Group: Meets quarterly and is responsible for determining rehabilitation strategy (specialist and generic) for the major trauma network.
Major Trauma Nurse Meeting: this forum provides an opportunity for nurses in trauma to meet and be updated on national major trauma strategy as well as local information pertinent to trauma care in Greater Manchester. This group provides an opportunity for collaborative projects with a focus on education, audits and shared learning opportunities with specialist speakers.