RiCON – Airway safety & Lung protective ventilation in critical care

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This group looks at improvements that can be made in airway safety in critical care. A number of audits are conducted throughout the year to ensure that all units are adhering to recommended guidance and are working to improve airway safety.

A sub group of this group is the SAMI group: Safer Airway Management in Intensive care who have devised a one day course bringing together members of the multidisciplinary team and enacting airway scenarios with the aim to raise awareness of airway situations and strategies for managing them. Please click the link below to find all the information required to run a SAMI course at your hospital

The group has also developed an aide-memoir checklist (B@EASE checklist) to be used prior to intubation to ensure that all equipment, staffing, role allocation and an emergency plan is known to the team.